If you've recently made Magnetic Island your home and you'd like to find out more about our great community, we have now uploaded the Magnetic Island NEW RESIDENTS information to this page. Explore the left and right menu's for a wide range of information that we believe you'll find very useful.
Here are a few links which you may find handy:
This also incluces responsible pet ownership - one for cats and one for dogs.
• Cars, Vehicles and Ferries
If you're receiving a discounted car registration on Magnetic Island, you'll need to apply for a permit to take your car off the island. Simply email
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and they will email you your permit. Alternatively, drop into the MI Police Station between 9am-12noon Monday to Wednesday, and they will give you a permit while you wait.
Vehicle Ferry Discount: If you are a permanent Magnetic Island resident, a discount car barge price is available from Fantasea Cruising Magnetic. Remember to also ask for your 10 trip discount card.
Passenger Ferry Discount: Sealink also offer a 10 trip Flexi ticket, a monthly ticket and student ticket discounts. Go to our ferry and barge page for information and links regarding the Sealink 10 trip adult, child or pensioner Flexi tickets and pensioner's rates!
• Visit the Magnetic Island Community Development Association (MICDA) website to find out about many of their Working Groups on the Island.
• Justice Of The Peace - Magnetic Island
Keith Chambers (JP Qual) 4758 1800
Eve Darryl (JP Qual) 4778 5224
Ric Thompson (JP Qual) 4778 5040
David Herron 4758 1491
Ross Napier (JP Qual) 4778 5012
Commissioner for Declarations at International.
Lee Saltzer 0408 443 159.
• Plants and Weeds of Magnetic Island
• Townsville Water (Previously called Citiwater)
Find out about water pricing; use restrictions; water saving tips.
Find your weekly garbage collection day and the fortnightly recycle bin collection day.
You can also find out what you can and cannot recycle, including glass, steel, aluminium, paper, cardboard and plastic domestic products.