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Eco Friendly

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eco_friendly_magnetic_islandWith 65% National Park and set within the stunning Great Barrier Reef, Magnetic Island has an abundance of wildlife both on land and in the water. Magnetic Island's residents enjoy a relaxed lifestyle and are a very environmentally conscious community.

Queensland Solar Cities Program
Townsville, and more accurately, Magnetic Island, is one of seven locations across Australia that is being transformed into a ‘solar city’ as part of the Australian Government’s Solar Cities program.

The Solar Cities program is managed by the Australian Government’s Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) and takes a partnership approach that involves all levels of Government, the private sector and the local community.

The program is trialling energy options now so that we have information to manage energy into the future, reduce greenhouse gases and protect Australia's environment.

Many Magnetic Island residents have taken up the opportunity to host solar panels on their businesses or homes as part of the Solar Cities test program.

For more information on the Magnetic Island (Townsville) Solar Cities project, click here.

Tourism Queensland Sustainable Regions Project
Magnetic Island was selected as one of only five locations in Australia as an ideal location for the new Tourism Queenslands Sustainable Regions Project.

EC3 Global, through the Sustainable Regions project, will work with up to 20 Queensland tourism operators in each of the five regions to complete environmental audits and develop action plans.

This project is currently in it's earlier stages of development.

For more information, click here.

Building Sustainable Tourism On Magnetic Island.doc
Notes from the TOBMI forum held at Peppers Blue On Blue, Sunday 15 August 2010, outlines the topics and comments from the floor and panel who included:

• Stephanie Hunt – Townsville: Solar Cities

• Jo Peterson – Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services

• Libby Evans-Illidge – Magnetlc Island community member and MICDA representative

• Douglas Hayward – Townsville City Council, Economic Development and Infrastructure

• Racheal Allen – NQ Dry Tropics

• Vicki Bonanno – Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)

Download the full document (7 pages).

Shopping - go green!
Many of the local island shops strongly support the use of bring your own and eco-friendly shopping bags.

Plastic Water Bottles
By refilling your water bottle rather than buying a new bottle of water, you'll be helping to substantially reduce the amount of rubbish on Magnetic Island.

Fish Don't Smoke
Please dispose of your cigarette butt in bins or in small portable butt containers which are available from most retail outlets.

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