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Magnetic Island Bowls Club

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Magnetic Island Bowls Club? is situated next to the beach in picturesque Geoffrey Bay, Magnetic Island Bowls Club has a full shade cloth cover and is open to the afternoon sea-breeze.

The club has a licensed bar and drinks are available at very reasonable prices.

Bowls is a social game that requires no great physical fitness or strength. It can be played by men and women, young and old, from aged nine to ninety and is one of the few sports that the whole family can play together.

No uniform or special equipment is needed, just flat soled shoes.

Game days are Tuesdays and Fridays and occasional Sundays. Games commence at 1:30pm and anyone wishing to play is asked to register before 1:00pm (phone or be there).

Coaching or practice for beginners can be arranged and visitors are welcome.

For further information contact the Bowls Club on 4778 5290. (Someone is available between 12:30 and 1:30 on Tuesdays or Fridays, or leave a recorded message any other time).
Alternatively email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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