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micda_logo_type_lrwww.whatsonmagneticisland.com.au is a Magnetic Island Community Development Association (MICDA) initiative.

Where did we see the need?
We make it easy for residents and visitors alike to source and enjoy the wide range of local island activities.

This self-listing ‘What’s On’ website now makes information easy to abtain and helps to forge new ideas, joint ventures and basically get more people interacting with each other and enjoying the wonderful paradise of Magnetic Island which we all have chosen to live in or visit.

We are NOT a news site
If you would like to keep up to date with commentry and news reports on local Magnetic Island events and issues, we recommend you visit our news page where you'll find the local news outlets.

What are our objectives?
Personal Development
Promote community events whereby individuals can:

• Support local arts, sport and community events

• For individuals to learn about the vast array of opportunities which are available for personal development on Magnetic Island and interact with each other to improve cultural opportunities and development.

Community Development
Organisations and individuals can be supported to enjoy more local activities to facilitate a healthy dissemination of ideas and activities plus a stronger sense of community.

Tourism and Economic Development
By listing all the services and events which are available on Magnetic Island, a visitor will be able to experience more of what Magnetic Island has to offer, to stay longer, and hence improve the local economy.

Cultural Development
In addition to the above objectives, arts and cultural events which are created on relatively tight budgets, can then maximise their available budgets to expand specific activities to attract even more interest from visitors and their local community.

Other objectives
• Create an easily accessible and up to date calender of community activities for forward planning of events, as well as to help visitors enjoy Magnetic Island and all that it has to offer.

• Promote Magnetic Island’s diverse cultural life, natural beauty and history, and encourage accessibility and community participation by interested people from all sectors of the community.

• Encourage a greater sense of community for locals and visitors alike, whereby creating a vibrant destination for visitors to also enjoy.

How are we funded?
To list any event we ask that listees become a MIDA member for $25 per year.

This website was developed courtesy of a one-off donation from Townsville Solar Cities - The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.

Fundraising, volunteers and other community activities help to provide ongoing support to this site. This site is managed on a volunteer basis, but any support would be welcome.

Sponsorship and advertising on
Being a volunteer organisation sponsorship and in-kind advertising is greatly welcomed.

We'd like to offer special thanks to everyone who has contributed with the content of this site including photography from Claudia Gaber and Townsville Enterprise.

If you would like any further information on advertising and sponsorship please contact us by clicking here.

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