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Date: Thu September 28 - 2017

Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Location: Other Location - Click 'more info' below - Magnetic Island


Our group meets weekly to practise conversation in Spanish and for beginners to learn Spanish in a friendly, supportive group. We have no teacher. We are an adult learning group using resources of members’ choice. Some members are fluent in Spanish but nuevos miembros son bienvenidos. (New members are welcome).

When: Thursdays 9.30 -11.00 am
Where: 8 Lilac Street, Nelly Bay
Contact: Tania Thoreau 4758 1981 or 0413 667 933


What is U3A?
U3A is a self-help, not for profit organization devoted to learning for the fun of learning while making new friends and keeping old ones. We offer a number of courses in Townsville mainland and Magnetic Island. There is an annual fee for membership of $30 ($15 after 1st August) with one free class.

Class attendance costs are based on a small contribution to management expenses, venue and materials (where relevant).

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